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The 2024 National AGM was held via Zoom on Saturday the 23rd June, with a good attendance, and all States represented.

Sitting Councillors Merle Ireland and Heather Davidson were re-elected unopposed and Di Pelling stood down and did not re-nominate. Our thanks go to Di, who has served many years on the Council, as well as serving time in the President's seat.

Margaret Cala continued as a Councillor, and State Delegates – Deanne Hosking (Qld), Jill Wood-Ainslie (WA), Michelle Westley & Jacqui Coates (SA), Lynne Salau (Vic) continued their roles.  Hilary Cassell and Toni Rolls joined the Council as NSW Delegates.

Congratulations to new Councillors, nominated from the meeting: Sabina Callaghan, Megan Cusack, and John Whalan.


At the later Council meeting following the AGM, John Whalan was elected as the President for 2024-25 with Deanne Hosking elected Vice President. Congratulations to all new Councillors, and thanks to our continuing Council members.


The Co-President's (Deanne Hosking and Margaret Cala) Report for the past 12 months was read and accepted.


Minutes of the 2023 AGM were read and approved.

There were 5 Motions presented to the AGM. 


Motion 1 (NSW Branch) required a new definition of Full and Associate Members meaning that owners of Breeding horses would be Full Members and owners of non breeding, including competition horses would be Associate Members. 

Yes=6; No=21;   Motion 1 Defeated

Motion 2 (NSW Branch) required that Associate Member fees would be half the sum of Full Member fees. 

Yes 9=No 17 Motion 2 Defeated


Motion 3 (Federal Council) required that a trial period of two years commence 1st Jan. 2025 allowing Full Members of non breeding horses the choice of Associate Membership and that Associate Fees be set at 60% of Full Member fees. 

Yes=27; No= 4 Motion 3 carried


Motion 4 (Federal Council) required a change in the Constitution regarding Auditing from annual, to each second year; on the basis that the WA Dept. Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety do not require external audits for Associations with an annual income below $500,000.   

Yes=24; No=4  Motion 4 Carried


Motion 5 (NSW Branch) To hold a 12-month amnesty for AHAA registerable horses in Australia, for horses that meet the AHAA requirements for registration incur no fee penalties for 12 months commencing 1st January 2025 

Yes=20; No=3;  Motion 5 Carried



2024 AGM Report
2023-24 Co-President's Report



Deanne Hosking & Margaret Cala – Co-Presidents 2024.


Welcome to all those attending we appreciate your interest and contribution.


What an interesting 12 months. A learning curve and an adventure. A big thanks to Margaret Cala for being Co-President with me. Your history with the association assisted Cinzia, Michelle and myself with decisions and reasons behind the decisions to be made. Knowledge and access to all the past meeting minutes assisted greatly when questions had been raised.


We’ve now completed a year with Co-Presidents instead of just the one.  It is not a common occurrence, although this is the second time we have had this arrangement and it does have benefits.  Although Committees of all types are elected by Members, it does fall to the Executive (Pres. & Vice Pres.) to make decisions or give advice between meetings.  Having opinions from three people instead of two gives a more balanced (or if you like, democratic) result.  Thanks Deanne & Michelle. 


We’ve seen a big change to the AHAA with our long serving Federal Secretary Helen Clutterbuck retiring and Cinzia Trioani taking over the role.  We are indebted to both these amazing ladies for their dedication and support.  The title of Federal Secretary does not appear to have been adequate. Helen Clutterbuck, and now Cinzia carry out a minimum of 3 main roles within the association, the obvious as Secretary, taking minutes, distributing them and liaising with members, as Treasurer processing the incoming and outgoing of the finances for the association and as Studbook Registrar overseeing the registration applications, verifying and maintaining the online Studbook Register along with the assistance of her husband Peter as the IT expert in this department.  Thanks Peter, where would we be without your help.


We had some sad news during February and April 2024 with the passing of Warwick Blacker and Dr Rod Ryan, two great men, who both contributed prominently to the association in the years that they were involved.


The first 10 months of the year was spent reviewing requests for horse registrations that did not fall under the AHAA guidelines for Registration and the respective classification of the horses presented for consideration.  A new Bank Account was set up to provide some security and authorisation procedures within the association. Going forward alternative payment systems for the association will be reviewed upon seeking advice on incorporating online payments which may be dependent on some changes to our web page.  Council has also considered classes for the Virtual National Show and the introduction of the PRE Classes within the Association’s events.  Lengthy discussions about the future of the Roll of Merits and possible High Points System, and we welcome to feedback on these.


The AGM is an opportunity for all members to get together – online these days, and consider the future direction of the AHAA.  Over the past few years our membership has dropped, although this seems to have been the case in many voluntary associations; not just horse breed organisations.  Whether it was Covid that set the scene, changing national economy or a series of natural disasters including floods, fire and drought, we need to recognise this trend and remain relevant to our members.

Now we move on to some sticky topics for discussion. MONEY!! Aren’t we all feeling the pinch?

In 2019, the Federal Council held a face to face meeting and the decision was made to increase the Full Membership Fee from $120 to $125 and Associate to $100, up from $120 Full, and $80 Associate in 2018.  But times are changing and our members are voicing that the association needs to reflect this. 


We remain firstly a Horse Breed Association, and keeper of the Studbooks showcasing Purebred Andalusians and other classifications of breed within.  We now have Members competing in Dressage, Working Equitation, Cowboy and Western Dressage, some eventing & showjumping and the classic Hack.  Are we big enough or rich enough to satisfy all these demands?  Is it our place to do so?   What cuts can we make to free up funds for other purposes or disciplines?  We have already switched from a printed to digital Salto, with a significant saving for printing and postage; and reduced the hours for our federal secretary – both of which are major expenses.


The first objective in our Rules is to Maintain the purity of the Andalusian horse in Australia, and this is done through the Stud Books for Purebred Andalusians, Iberian, Australian, Partbred and Derivative Andalusians This record keeping is what gives our horses the authentic stamp of being an Andalusian.  Our horses are Registered with an organisation that is recognised Australia wide and further afield. 

The second objective is to foster the development of the Spanish Andalusian Horse and its Derivatives and to educate, assist and instruct new breeders and owners.  Strong words!  How do we do this?  As a Federal body, we rely on our State Branches to assist, and act on our behalf and to organise Shows, Clinics, sponsorships etc at times and places that are relevant to local members. 

The State Branches are the local representatives of the wider AHAA, not separate associations, and this is the reason that each State Branch appoints two State Delegates to the Federal Council. 


All committees – Federal or State, rely on volunteers to function and they need the support of members and feedback to know exactly what is wanted.  To be blunt, the Federal and State Branch committees of the AHAA cannot operate without volunteers to form those committees, or the support from members to carry out their tasks.


In other words, support and participation are what will keep the AHAA alive.  The Federal Council and State Branch Committees can only do so much without those two requirements, plus the wisdom and love of our Breed to ensure that we are able to work together in harmony. 


Some interesting current 2024 figures on the AHAA are:

Full & Life Members                                                                  120

Associate Members                                                                     19

Number of horses Registered this year                                74

Number of horses Transferred this year                               29

Japanese Encepahalitis Detected in Australia

Below is an information leaflet issued by the Racing Australia's Equine Genetic Research Centre:
As you should be aware from recent press, Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) has been detected in
piggeries in New South Wales (13), Queensland (1), Victoria (6), and South Australia (1).
Japanese Encephalitis is a mosquito-borne viral disease with a natural transmission cycle in
The virus can occur in pigs and horses when bitten by infected mosquitoes.
Direct horse-to horse or horse-to-human transmission does not occur.
Racing Australia and the Principal Racing Authorities are working with Federal, State and Territory
Government Departments with further updates to follow as additional information becomes available.
While Racing Australia’s focus is the Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding industry, Japanese
Encephalitis presents a risk to all breeds of horse. As you are a customer of Racing Australia’s
Equine Genetic Research Centre (EGRC), this update has been sent to support information you may
already be sourcing in relation to your horse breed population.
In horses, the disease is usually mild with symptoms including fever, lethargy and decreased
appetite. Jaundice and neurological (nervous) signs, such as incoordination or difficulty swallowing,
may develop in some cases.
Occasionally, severe neurological signs such as hyperexcitation, muscle tremors, profuse sweating
and blindness may occur.
Steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of exposure of horses to mosquitos include:
 using physical barriers such as light rugs and hoods during peak periods of mosquito activity
(between dusk and dawn).
 reducing mosquito breeding sites on the premises by removing standing water.
 using fans and automatic overhead misting systems to reduce mosquito numbers in stables.
 using mosquito repellents; and
 if possible, housing horses in mosquito-screened stables.
Links to further information on Japanese Encephalitis Virus Animals (JEV)
Links to further information on Japanese Encephalitis Virus Humans (JEV)
Japanese encephalitis | Australian Government Department of Health
To report suspected JEV in pigs or other animals, contact your local veterinarian or call the national
Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888

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